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Divorce Attorneys in Hanover, MN

At Martin & Wagner, P.A., our Hanover, MN divorce attorneys guide you through the divorce process and protect your rights. The end of a relationship whether it is a contested or uncontested divorce, annulment, legal separation or the end of a domestic partnership, can be one of the most difficult times in a person's life. There are many factors to consider; from how to divide the property to how it will affect your children. The divorce attorney you choose is extremely important to having a trusted, experienced advocate on your side to guide you through the process.

Call us today to schedule a consultation at 763-425-6330.

Hanover, MN Attorneys - Our Practice Areas

Family Law - MN Divorce Attorney Becky Martin.
· Divorce | Separation | Annulment - Hanover, MN
· Child Custody - Hanover, MN
· Child Support & Spousal Support / Alimony - Hanover, MN
· Paternity - Hanover, MN
· Modifications & Enforcement - Hanover, MN
· Mediation - Hanover, MN
· Parenting Time / Visitation - Hanover, MN
· Third Party | Grandparent Visitation - Hanover, MN
· Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements - Hanover, MN

Criminal Defense - Hanover, MN DUI/DWI Attorney Ethne Hedren
· Assault
· Traffic Violations
· Probation Violations
· Orders for Protection

Estate Planning - Hanover, MN Wills & Trusts Attorney Becky Martin.
· Estate Planning & Wills
· Contingent Trust & Single Parent Wills
· Powers of Attorney
· Health Care Directives
· Intestate Estates (No Will)
· Designation of Temporary Custodian

Whatever your legal needs may be, our lawyers are here to help. Call us to discuss your case with a MN Family Lawyer at 763-425-6330. We offer a FREE 1/2 hour initial consultation.


Free Half Hour Initial Consultation


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